Σάββατο 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Πόλεις επλήγησαν από πλημμύρες , ​​κατακλυσμός από υψηλή παλίρροια, η θύελλα σαρώνει όλη τη χώρα φέρνοντας ανέμους 70 μίλια/ώρα και δυνατή βροχή και χιόνι σε ορισμένες περιοχές.

Οι πόλεις επλήγησαν από τις πλημμύρες ,είχαμε κατακλυσμό από υψηλές παλίρροιες και θυελλώδεις ανέμους έως και 70 μίλια/ώρα ενώ τα επίπεδα αυξάνονται ακόμη περισσότερο.Καθώς ο Storm Brigid χτυπά, η Υπηρεσία Περιβάλλοντος έχει προειδοποιήσει όσους ζουν σε περιοχές της νοτιοδυτικής Αγγλίας και της μεσοχώρας , καθώς εκδόθηκαν εννέα σοβαρές προειδοποιήσεις για  πλημμύρες - που σημαίνει ότι υπάρχει κίνδυνος για τη ζωή.
This morning  West Bay, Dorset, was pictured in a brief moment of calm before high winds and rain are forecast later today

Οι Κορνουάλης και το North Devon στις ακτές και ο ποταμός Severn, στα νότια του Gloucester, είναι χτυπημένοι από άγριες θύελλες, και βαριές βροχές.
Αλλού, στο Teesdale και σε ορισμένα τμήματα της βόρειας Αγγλίας και της Σκωτίας, οι κάτοικοι ξύπνησαν σήμερα το πρωί για να ανακαλύψουν ότι  το τοπίο είναι καλυμμένο με ένα παχύ λευκό στρώμα χιονιού.
High tides and strong winds strike the coast at Porthcawl, Wales following a night of storms, wind and rain

Οι  προειδοποιήσεις παραμένουν στη θέση τους για πολλά μέρη της Βρετανίας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ήδη πληγμένων περιοχών του Somerset και στη  δυτική Ουαλία, όπου 49 προειδοποιήσεις για πλημμύρες και 15 προειδοποιήσεις έχουν εκδοθεί το πρωί.  Tidal surges, gale force winds and heavy rain continue to hit the UK today. A walker in Saltdean, Brighton, Sussex, UK battles against the huge waves

Tidal surges, gale force winds and heavy rain continue to hit the UK today. A walker in Saltdean, Brighton, Sussex, UK battles against the huge waves

Forecaster have warned that gales and waves could lead to the breaching of flood defences and sea walls, property flooding and travel disruption
Forecaster have warned that gales and waves could lead to the breaching of flood defences and sea walls, property flooding and travel disruption

Roads are still closed as flood water covers part of the Somerset Levels near Burrowbridge, as the Environment Agency has especially warned those living in parts of south-west England and the Midlands to take care
Roads are still closed as flood water covers part of the Somerset Levels near Burrowbridge, as the Environment Agency has especially warned those living in parts of south-west England and the Midlands to take care

The latest storms spell more misery for the people of the Somerset Levels, many who have been stranded by floodwaters since Christmas after southern England saw its wettest January in more than 100 years
The latest storms spell more misery for the people of the Somerset Levels, many who have been stranded by floodwaters since Christmas after southern England saw its wettest January in more than 100 years

Tidal surges, gale force winds and heavy rain continue to hit the UK today. A walker in Saltdean, Brighton, Sussex, stop to take a picture of the huge waves
Tidal surges, gale force winds and heavy rain continue to hit the UK today. A walker in Saltdean, Brighton, Sussex, stop to take a picture of the huge waves

A dramatic scene at the marina in Brighton as wind and waves batter the coast
A dramatic scene at the marina in Brighton as wind and waves batter the coast

The village of Alfriston in East Sussex is almost cut off as the River Ouse bursts its banks, with more rain and high tides on their way
The village of Alfriston in East Sussex is almost cut off as the River Ouse bursts its banks, with more rain and high tides on their way

A driver battles her way through the flooded streets of Alfriston, in east Sussex
A driver battles her way through the flooded streets of Alfriston, in east Sussex

Yalding, Kent, has suffered severe river damage caused by the recent floods. The Enviromental Agency has issued a forthcoming flood alert on the River Medway, between Hampstead Lock and Allington Lock
Yalding, Kent, has suffered severe river damage caused by the recent floods. The Enviromental Agency has issued a forthcoming flood alert on the River Medway, between Hampstead Lock and Allington Lock

But the water doesn't seem to bother these cyclists, as they grinned as they made their way through the water. Yalding is particularly prone to flooding, as the two rivers meet here

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